The Year That Was 2018 – Part One

My year has been packed full of activities and events, not all linked to photography, hence the lull in posts. I’m back, keen to write again, so in the next few posts I’ll bring you up to date with project activities during 2018.
At the end of my last blog I was waiting on some good weather to visit Shady and Miss Sassy (Kiwidinok Siberian Huskies) for a portrait session. This eventuated in early June, the pups being 12 weeks old.
At this age they both had their own ideas on how a portrait photoshoot would go!! Shady being a little more co-operative than cheeky Miss Sassy.
Moving outside we introduced them both to the sled and rig. Keeping still was the challenge as they relished in the jungle gym play of it all.

I only made it to one show to see Shady and Miss Sassy. This was early in October. Here they are, 8 months old.

Now lets go back in time again to February of 2018. This is when I invested in a backdrop stand, poles, clamps and backdrops. After experimenting with different colours: black, white, grey. I took a liking for the black, low-key style which worked best using a black velvet fabric. Added bonus, it is easy to wash and brush fur off. This last factor highly important when working with dogs!!
Out went a call to friends with dogs and connections in the Sled Dog Racing community to have access to willing dog models to learn, try out techniques and practise portraiture.
A big thanks to you all who have helped so far and to all those still on my contact list. I will be getting in touch over the coming months.
Up to this point in time I had been working with natural light for portraits. Then I saw, at a camera club evening, a one light set-up demonstrated with stunning impact.
Shopping time again, investing in a bounce umbrella to connect my flash for off camera lighting. Have only tested this technique once. Am pretty happy with the outcome with this image of Kaino. I will get much better with practise.

Having spent time taking a number of portraits, I am loving it more and more. so much so that the plan is to venture into Dog Portrait Photography more fully in the New Year.
Coming in the next blog . . .
Great Northern Siberian Husky Club’s – Great Northern Classic